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Y3 Hawthorn

Welcome To Y3 Hawthorn Class

Y3 Hazel:

Mrs D Dyson (class teacher)

Miss R Willott (teaching assistant)

Mrs S Montgomery (Learning mentor)


Our PE days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Please remember to send you child to school with a PE kit.
They will need a pair of trainers, a white/blue t shirt and plain grey/black shorts or a plain grey/blue/black tracksuit. 
No jewellery can be worn during PE lessons: Earrings must be removed. 

Celebration of this week's learning:

Our Learning Journey

Autumn 1 - Could you have survived in the Stone Age?


Let’s travel back to prehistoric times! This half term we’re going to find a prehistoric site in our local area by studying maps and researching online.  We will also be visiting Manor castle to hunt a deer, create cave paintings and make our own spears.Through our research, we’ll learn about the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. What were people’s daily lives like and what epic battles did they fight? Using techniques such as cutting, scraping and mark making, we’ll make Stone Age jewellery. We’ll look closely at cave paintings too and have a go at creating our own. 

Rocks Knowledge Organiser

Home Learning 


Here are some websites that will support you with your learning at home:

Please ask if you have forgotten any passwords.

Blended Learning Curriculum

If your child is absent due to Covid 19 here are some links to home learning that is based on the lessons being taught in class:



home learning

Autumn 1 Chilli Homework

Our Favourite Books
