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Year 2

Hello Year 2!


We hope you and your families are well, we are thinking about you every single day. We know that this isn’t an easy time but we also know you have worked so hard this year, so we’re putting together some activities for you to do every week.


It would be great to see you complete these so why don’t you send us some of your work over on your Class Dojo account and we can reply to your fantastic work. It doesn’t just have to be your home learning that we see; why don’t you send us some photos of things you’re getting up to, too?


Here are some other things you can do to help you too:

  • Read a book
  • Practise Year 1/2 spellings
  • Practise the x2, x3, x5 & x10 times tables
  • Write a story
  • Draw or paint a picture
  • Research a topic online that you’re passionate about

Key Skills


Within each year group, there are a collection of key skills that your child needs to know and be confident in discussing and demonstrating throughout their learning. The more practice they have learning these skills, the more confident your child will become, not only at this stage but throughout their time at Norfolk.


Please spend time working on these with your child/children. If you feel that they are struggling with these skills look at the previous year group's skills to support any gaps in their learning. Also if they are confident in a specific skill, look at the next year group to see how this skill moves on. 


Below are some links to external websites which you mind find of use to visit should you wish to do any learning alongside your child. Content was checked at the time of posting the link but school encourages parents  to browse the internet with their children responsibly and to always remember the importance of our e-safety rules.

  • The School RunThere are some useful activities, targeted at Key Stage 1, available by joining The School Run website.

How to Make Play Dough - Easy No Cook Recipe!

Let's Go To The New Dough Disco...

Dough disco is exercise for the fingers to improve fine muscle control. It is good before long writing tasks as a warm-up but essential every day exercise for young fingers.
