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PE Specialist

PE specialist in school

In our school we are fortunate to have a full time PE Specialist, Mr Marsh, who covers all aspects of curricular and extra-curricular PE. Mr Marsh has an Honours Degree in Sport Development and a range of qualifications in football, gymnastics and fundamentals which is partially funded by our Sports Premium funding.

Our Specialist takes a lead role in curriculum PE to ensure every child has a quality experience. Planning is done to a high standard ensuring differentiation and inclusion is considered within each lesson. The planning is available to all members of staff to ensure continuity and delivery are of the highest quality and staff work alongside Mr Marsh in order to support professional development.

Currently Mr Marsh is delivering the Sheffield Gross-motor programme with small groups of pupils throughout school. Children who need extra help with movements of the arms, legs and torso are targeted and the intervention also increases the social well-being of the pupils as they communicate within these groups which increases their confidence within school and especially in the sporting environment. This can also lead to improvements in their fine motor skills.

Mr Marsh has developed links with the local community and our school sport partnership (LINKS) to ensure children have every opportunity to take part in both competitive and non-competitive events in a broad range of sports. The liaison between the community, local agencies and the school partnership is a vital part of a children’s pathway to a positive experience in PE and Sport within life.

Another major part of Mr Marsh’s role is to ensure that we have active break and lunchtimes with fun structured and un-structured activities occurring throughout. Mr Marsh’s leads on activities ensuring social times run effectively and efficiently.
