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School Values

As a community school we strive to provide the very best for the whole community- "Working together to be the best we can be."

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin  teaching and learning providing an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


We follow our  golden rules to make sure everyone is able to learn in a safe, calm and positive environment. The rules are-
We are gentle                                           We don’t hurt others

We are kind and helpful                            We don’t hurt anybody’s feelings

We listen                                                   We don’t interrupt 

We are honest                                           We don’t cover up the truth

We work hard                                             We don’t waste our own or others time

We look after property                              We don’t waste or damage things


Everyone in school follows the rules at all times- in lessons, at playtimes, dinnertimes and in after school clubs.

Curriculum Drivers