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PE develops a child’s knowledge, skill and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. A varied curriculum is in place to support this, with activities including: dance, athletics, gymnastics, games, swimming and water safety and outdoor adventure activities.

Physical education promotes an understanding in children of their bodies in action. It involves thinking, selecting and applying skills and promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle. This a promise that we make to all children at Norfolk. We aim to enable children to make informed choices about physical activities throughout their lives.

Through the teaching of PE Norfolk Community Primary School intends to:

         Enable children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination.
         Encourage children to work and play with others in a range of group situations.
         Develop the way children perform skills and apply rules and conventions for different activities.
         Show children how to improve the quality and control of their performance.
         Teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise.
         Develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination.
         Develop an understanding in children of how to succeed in a range of physical activities and how to evaluate their own success.
         Assess pupils learning, analyse and interpret the results to inform future planning and lessons.


Teaching of PE in the Foundation Stage:

Pupils within EYFS undertake daily physical exercise within a specialised external area, including a trim trail and climbing wall. They also have use of the fully equipped sports and school hall for structured activities at least once a week.  Cross curricular links enable PE activities to take place during literacy and maths.

Teaching PE in Key Stage 1 and 2:

All pupils from Year 1 to 6 have at least 2 planned physical exercise each week. PE is taught by Mr Marsh, a full time sports coach.

Children also have the opportunity for physical activity during morning and lunchtime breaks on the school yards, stocked with resources. Staff are on duty to co-ordinate a range of active playground games.

Pupils in KS2 attend a swimming lessons at Ponds Forge swimming pool, these are conducted in blocks.

Year 6 have an annual residential trip in which they undertake a series of physical and challenging activities, including: assault course; mid-ropes to high wires; climbing wall; tree climb.

During the summer term Sports Days are held for EYFS and KS1/2 covering traditional sporting activities, however the focus during these events is participation.  

As Norfolk Community Primary School is supported by the LINKS Schools partnership from EYFS to Year 6 we have the opportunity to participate in variety of Healthy Active Lifestyle festivals as well as School Games events held across the city, which introduce a more competitive element into sporting activities.

 All our activities are supported by a variety of sports clubs lead by school staff and visiting professionals both at lunchtime and after-school.


Children are motivated to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun. Children partake in a range of lunchtime and after school clubs that appeal to all. From our lessons, our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. Children are equipped with the necessary skills and a love for sport. They leave school happy and healthy utilising the skills and knowledge acquired through PE.

We have a curriculum specialist to deliver PE lessons within school to provide the highest quality curriculum. Children learn about teamwork in competitive sports, keeping fit and a range of athletic and sporting skills. The school provides an excellent range of opportunities within the curriculum and outside of the school day.



Purpose of study

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.


The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


Attainment targets

By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. 


Subject content

Key stage 1

Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns.


Key stage 2

Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics]
  • perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.


Swimming and water safety

All schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2. Children attend swimming lessons during the Autumn Term of Year 4.

In particular, pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.