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Y2 Pine

Welcome to Y2 Pine Class

Y2 Pine Class - Staff Team

PE Days for Y2 Pine Class:

Our class will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Wednesday =  Outdoor PE

Thursday = Indoor PE


Please remember to send your child to school with PE kit. They need a pair of
trainers, a white/blue t-shirt and plain grey/black/blue shorts or a plain
grey/blue/black tracksuit.
No jewellery can be worn during PE lessons: earrings must be removed.




Autumn 2- What is a Zonkey?


Literacy -  We will be reading the story 'The Dark' in literacy this half term. We will be focusing on character descriptions and describing a story setting. There will be lots of opportunities for drama! We will then be looking at writing our own poem based on 'The Sound Collector'.


Maths - We will be continuing with addition and subtraction this half term, working our way towards being able to add and subtract two digit numbers, crossing 10. We will be continuing with our 2's, 5's 10's and three times tables, any extra practice at home would be great! If you need your times tables rockstars login, please speak to your teacher. 


Science - This half term our science focus will be 'Animals including Humans'. For this topic we will be identifying different animals and their offspring. We will also be looking at what animals and humans need to survive as well as the importance of hygiene. 


Design and Technology- This half term we will be designing a chair for Baby Bear! We will be covering lots of skills, designing, making and evaluating. We will be learning about different types of structures, found in the natural world and in everyday objects.


Music - This half term we will be singing lots of festive songs and preparing for our Christmas concert!

PE- For PE we will be working on our dance and agility skills!


RSHE - This half term we will be learning about Good Leaders. We will be having lots of discussions around what makes a leader and what skills they need to have.

Knowledge Organiser - These handy sheets have all the key knowledge for our science learning all in one place. Why not use them to quiz your family or make games with?

Nandos Homework

Here are some websites that will support you with your learning from home.

Please ask if you have forgotten any passwords.

Books We Love
