Our Curriculum Intent
At Norfolk Community Primary School we strive to provide an engaging, relevant and broad curriculum which develops the children’s skills to overcome a variety of challenges. Our curriculum is built around the objectives set out in the national curriculum which covers the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Languages, Music and Physical Education. Citizenship, Relationships Social Health and Economic Education (RSHE) and Religious Education are also part of our curriculum.
The Department for Education guidance about the school curriculum can be found at https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum
As a school we have created themes that promote the children’s interest and allow them to develop their skills within different subject areas through a shared context. We develop children’s independence and resourcefulness so they can apply skills in one subject area to overcome challenges and achieve in another.
Our curriculum:
| Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Autumn 1 | What have I got in my memory box? | Who was the Lady of the Lamp? | Could you have survived the Stone Age? | Were the Romans really rotten? | How did the Anglo Saxons change Roman Britain? | Were the Vikings really so vicious? | ||
Autumn 2 | What’s it made of? | What is a zonkey? | Can you feel the force? | Who eats who? | Is there anyone out there? | Where is the light in my life? | ||
Spring 1 | Do I need my sun cream? | Could a lion live in Norfolk Park? | Would you visit a volcano? | Why does it always rain on me? | Can you take the pressure? | Nature or nurture? | ||
Spring 2 | Whose paws, claws and whiskers are these? | What sparked the Great Fire of London? | What did the Ancient Egyptians do with their brains? | Where did the first Olympians come from? | Could you live with the Ancient Mayans? | How did World War II change the way we live? | ||
Summer 1 | What’s growing in Norfolk Park? | How does my garden grow? | Can we live without plans? | How does food get from chew to poo? | Why are we comfortable in our habitats? | Could you win the survival of the fittest? | ||
Summer 2 | Do you like to be beside the seaside? | Where in the world is Sheffield? | Which is the best capital city in the UK? | Wo ist es? | Why is our city called Sheffield? | Are you going to the carnival? |
Norfolk Navigators
We have eight Norfolk Navigators which aim to develop our children as well-rounded individuals and prepare them for life after primary school. These attributes support and provide the foundations for our school; they are threaded through everything that we do and expect from our children, their families and our staff.
EXCITED: We will love learning. We will be excited by our learning opportunities and enjoy discovering the marvel of the world. And above all, we will have fun!
CURIOUS: We will be brave enough to ask questions that matter. We will ask questions that matter. We will question the way of the world and think about issues globally. We will be expressive and creative in our nature and recognise the power of individuality. We will value diversity and celebrate our rich heritage and culture.
AMBITIOUS: We will be encouraged to be the best that we can be. We will be motivated by success and become scholarly in our approach. Our ambition will be
REFLECTIVE: We will develop skills to be reflective learners. We will be able to identify the strengths and areas to develop, as well as increasingly becoming aware of how to identify their next steps. We will set ourselves goals and identify where we are on our learning journeys towards achieving our goals.
RESILIENT: We will have opportunities to develop greater levels of resilience, motivation and growth mindset when faced with different types of challenges. We will develop as well-rounded citizens with a clear understanding of values, such as love,
responsibility and friendship. We will explore negative stereotyping through investigating similarities and differences, and promote acceptance, diversity, citizenship and human rights. We are keen to improve and be the best we can be.
ARTICULATE: We will become increasingly eloquent and effective communicators.
We will be able to express our understanding and share our learning widely in a range of ways. We will learn and apply technical and challenging vocabulary.
INSPIRED: We will feel inspired by the events, individual lessons, important figures and stories that we hear during our units of work. We will grow ever resilient and
better ourselves by learning of the barriers that people have overcome in the past and those experienced by people today.
KNOWLEDGEABLE: We will work hard and will understand the role knowledge has in learning about the world. We will understand the considerable value of knowledge and apply it to their learning. We will work hard to remember what has been taught and use that to deepen our understanding across the curriculum.