I would like to introduce myself – my name is Jo Squiers, I am currently the “Safeguarding Liaison Officer” here at Norfolk Community Primary School.
My main job is to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of your children. You can call me on 0114 2502760
It is my aim to help and support both children and their parents/carers. Every morning you can find me in the dining room, during breakfast club, from 8am. On Wednesdays you can join me for the school coffee afternoon. We have tea, coffee, biscuits and on special occasions cake. Come along and join me for an informal chat.
On Thursday, in the dining room at home time the children and I sell fresh fruit and vegetables on the “Food works stall". This is a pay as you feel stall. Why not pop along and grab yourself a bargain.
I am always happy to offer advice and support, school works closely with external agencies for example we may be able to help with housing issues, employment advice and referrals to your local food bank and many other issues.
Take a look at the parents notice board for information, updates and forth coming special events .
Parents can request paper copies of school information. Please telephone the school office to request these. 01142502760