Ambitious – Norfolk Community Primary School children will be encouraged to be the best that they can be. They will be motivated by success and become scholarly in their approach. Their ambition will be boundless.
Ambitious |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will be encouraged to be the best that they can be. They will be motivated by success and become scholarly in their approach. They will be exposed to the best that has been thought and said. Their ambition will be boundless. |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are encouraged, with positive praise, to earn green cards as a representation for making good choices. They have opportunities to explore the ‘grown-up’ world, role-playing as people who help us and people in our world who have done great things. They are encouraged to be as independent as possible and to give things a try. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are introduced to key role-models both in the locality and internationally. They are given examples of what success can look like and are guided in what to do to reach those high standards. High expectations underpin the emphasis on children pushing and challenging themselves. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children organise exhibitions of their learning so that they can share their success with others. This achievement is celebrated widely, with a range of audiences. Children are becoming familiar with accomplishments (past/present) of international significance across the curriculum and they are using these to become more motivated and independent in their approach to learning. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are aware of their potential and are determined to fulfil it. They understand the limitations that have been placed on others in the past, but they will not let that deter them. They have opportunity to discuss careers and possibilities that come later in life to help them to identify an ambitious path. They are taught life-long study skills. They use sophisticated vocabulary and understand that they need to graft to achieve their goal. |
Articulate – Norfolk Community Primary School children will become increasingly eloquent and effective communicators. They will be able to express their understanding and share their learning widely in a range of ways. They will learn and apply technical and challenging vocabulary.
Articulate |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will become increasingly eloquent and effective communicators. They will be able to express their understanding and share their learning widely in a range of ways. They will learn and apply technical and challenging vocabulary. |
Practitioners recognise and celebrate the local dialect but Standard English is role-modelled. Children are encouraged to understand the vocabulary that they use. Practitioners adopt a ‘commentary’ approach to further scaffold communication. Children are confident to share their own stories and explain their ideas. They are able to answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are encouraged to share ideas confidently in whole-group situations. They are able to explain ‘how’ and ‘why’ with greater clarity, providing reasons for their responses. They are using appropriate key vocabulary, necessary for technical aspects of their curriculum. Children can sequence their ideas, rehearse them and express them coherently. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are increasingly able to expand on their explanations and provide evidence to support their reasoning. They are able to collect and share ambitious vocabulary and challenge the appropriateness of choices made. Children can present their learning well and verbally communicate it with clarity and precision. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children can debate their opinions with clarity and precision. They use Standard English but can switch between formal and informal language at appropriate times. They have a wide lexical field to draw on and select vocabulary sophisticatedly to suit a specific purpose. They speak clearly and are confident in presenting to others, in an appropriate and considered manner. |
Curious – Norfolk Community Primary School children will be brave enough to ask questions that matter. They will question the way of the world and think about issues globally. They will be expressive and creative in their nature and recognise the power of individuality. They will value diversity and celebrate our rich heritage and culture.
Curious |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will be brave and ask questions that matter. They will question the way of the world and think about issues globally. They will be expressive and creative in their nature, and recognise the power of individuality. They will value diversity and celebrate our rich heritage and culture. |
Through positive relationships, Norfolk Community Primary School children feel valued and therefore comfortable to ask questions about both the immediate world and the wider world unknown to them. These questions are followed through and the curriculum is inspired, in part, by the curious nature of the children. They are inquisitive about other cultures, which are valued and celebrated in the setting. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children question aspects of their immediate world and they have the opportunity to reflect on events and places in their locality. They start to understand more about the world beyond Norfolk Community Primary School and wonder why celebrations, beliefs and attitudes are different in other places of the world. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children ask challenging questions about the world and interrogate sources to find the answers. They wonder about the way of the world and challenge the way things have been done in the past and relate that to current affairs. They have opportunities to form their own beliefs and discuss why they hold them. They begin to explore their own talents and have the opportunity to develop them further. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are motivated and show self-interest in subjects studied at school and in those that aren’t. They are open-minded and able to find information out about the world themselves. They challenge the status quo and are encouraged to respectfully discuss long-standing beliefs and form their own opinions. They communicate this passionately and continue to pursue their own interests. |
Excited – Norfolk Community Primary School children will love learning. They will be excited by their learning opportunities and enjoy discovering about the marvel of the world. And above all, they will have fun!
Excited |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will love learning. They will be excited by their learning opportunities and enjoy discovering more about the marvel of our world. And above all, they will have fun! |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are encouraged to explore the world around them and are given the time and the opportunity to follow through with their ideas. They deepen their understanding of concepts through play. Play is a fundamental cornerstone of their provision. It is valued and understood to be essential to the development of our youngest children. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children attend trips within their locality (and beyond). They understand how great it is to live in the city of Sheffield. They explore artefacts, resources and hear from visitors which help them to engage in their learning. Themed days/weeks throughout the year are opportunities for the children to throw themselves in to their topics and become further excited by their learning. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School are hooked into their learning by exciting opportunities to engage with their topics. They are provided with learning opportunities that deviate from the norm and that really interest the children. They attend trips or take part in special events to deepen their topics. Children love the breadth of the curriculum as they begin to truly understand where their strengths and passions lie. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children will become increasingly self-motivated because of the joy they take from their learning. They enjoy the increased responsibility that they have in ensuring they retain their learning and apply it well. They children can see how their learning links to other aspects of the world and enjoy making those connections. They also enjoy the authentic learning opportunities that they are provided with and develop a passion for subjects. |
Inspired – Norfolk Community Primary School children will feel inspired by the events, individual lessons, important figures and stories that they hear during their units of work. Children will grow ever resilient and better themselves by learning of the barriers that people have overcome in the past and those experienced by people today.
Inspired |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will feel inspired by the events, individuals and stories that they hear and read during their units of work. Children will grow ever resilient and better themselves by learning about the barriers that people have overcome in the past and those experienced by people today. |
Norfolk Community Primary School children will role-play and listen to stories that have inspirational characters in. Practitioners will share their experiences and feelings about finding things hard and how they overcome them. Children will be encouraged to become resilient and understand what ‘working hard’ looks like and feels like. They will have an increasingly positive relationship with this. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children will learn about influential people and events throughout their curriculum. They will start to understand how people in the past had to overcome barriers. They see and hear of events throughout the year that show that no human is limited. They are afforded greater independence and encouraged to ‘just go for it’ and know that if they get things wrong, then they will be supported in getting it right. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School will learn about a greater range of significant individuals from the past who have changed the world we live in today. They understand how important those individuals were and are awe-struck by the impact they had. Learning from the failure of others, and their own, is now a habit, as is learning from those who experienced great success. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children attend trips and visits that light a fire in their belly. They seek inspiration from books that they have read, significant individuals they have learnt about and current celebrated achievements worldwide. They understand their shortcomings and embrace them as something to work on. They can relate their experiences to others and make better choices because of that. |
Knowledgeable – Norfolk Community Primary School children will work hard and will understand the role knowledge has in learning about the world. They will understand the considerable value of knowledge and apply it to their learning. They will work hard to remember what has been taught and use that to deepen their understanding across the curriculum.
Knowledgeable |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will work hard and will understand the role knowledge has in learning about the world. They understand the considerable value of knowledge and apply it to their learning. They work hard to remember what has been taught and use that to deepen their understanding across the curriculum. |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are taught well and their knowledge will increase as a result. They apply this to their child-led learning opportunities, especially when reading. They enjoy knowing more and take pleasure from getting things right. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are exposed to an increasing amount of knowledge. This is prioritised to ensure there is a good foundational understanding of concepts. This subject-specific knowledge is shared with the children and they use a range of retrieval and learning review techniques to encourage the remembering of this powerful knowledge. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School use their existing knowledge to support them in ascertaining more. They begin to make links to prior learning and have a deeper understanding of concepts from within the curriculum. They are becoming increasingly familiar with retrieval activities that strengthen their ability to recall powerful knowledge. Children love being quizzed and enjoy being able to answer questions about their curriculum. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children make connections between the knowledge that they have ascertained throughout their time at school. They build an increasingly vast schema which supports them in making sense of the world. Children have a thirst for knowledge and retain the vast majority of taught content. This means that they are able to deepen their understanding of big concepts across our curriculum. |
Reflective – Norfolk Community Primary School children will develop skills to be reflective learners. They will be able to identify the strengths, areas to develop, as well as increasingly becoming aware of how to identify their next steps. They will set themselves goals and identify where they are on their learning journey towards achieving those goals.
Reflective |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will be encouraged to achieve their goals. They will be supported to identify which steps they are achieving, and what their next steps should be to achieve their aims. |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are encouraged to try new things. If something doesn’t work first time, they will persevere and practice to find solutions. Practitioners verbalise what they are succeeding in and give verbal feedback for improvements. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are introduced to metacognitive thinking through teachers verbalising their thinking as they approach and work through a task. Carefully designed guided practice, with support gradually withdrawn, encourages them to develop skills and strategies before applying them in independent practice. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are motivated to accept challenges and opportunities to apply new strategies. They use their feedback to judge accurately how effectively they are learning. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are aware that they learn through a series of steps – beginning with activating prior knowledge and leading to independent practice before ending in structured reflection to identify strengths, areas to develop and what to do to improve. |
Resilient– Norfolk Community Primary School children will have opportunities to develop greater levels of resilience, motivation and growth mind set when faced with different types of challenges. They will develop as well-rounded citizens with a clear understanding of values such as love, responsibility and friendship. They will explore negative stereotyping through investigating similarities and differences, and promote acceptance, diversity, citizenship and human rights. They are keen to improve and be the best that they can be.
Resilient |
Aim: Norfolk Community Primary School children will understand that learning new things can be a challenge. We do not become experts immediately. Instead we have to keep working and not giving up. To be the best that we can be, we need to practise things. |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are involved in activities designed to encourage them to explore their provision and their surroundings. They are given opportunities to use materials to solve problems. |
KS1 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children are taught how to look for ways that they can improve their work. They know that a first attempt often will not be the best attempt. They are provided with time to edit, improve and correct their work and to learn from mistakes they make. |
LKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children learn strategies to self-check their work. They reflect on their successes but also identify ways to improve. they act upon these improvements to produce high quality work. |
UKS2 |
Norfolk Community Primary School children learn life skills and tackle big issues. They closely study significant individuals: the contributions they have made and the steps they followed to become a success. They are encouraged to reflect on their learning to identify strengths and areas to develop further. |