Achieve Amazing Attendance! 
- Running late? Just get here as soon as you can - better late than never - let us know with a phone call if possible.
- Make doctors and dentists appointments during the school holidays or after school. If you can only make an appointment during the school day, make it for the afternoon and bring your child into school first to get the correct mark in the register. If possible your child should return to school after their appointment.
- Teach your child good hygiene - regular hand washing and using a tissue will help prevent them picking up or passing on bugs that lead to absence due to illness.
- Avoid taking your child out of school during term time - remember you may be issued with a fixed penalty notice.
Perfect Punctuality Pointers 
- Remember the school gates open at 8:40am and all children should be IN CLASS for 8.50am. In school, but not in class, doesn't count!
- Be on time for quarter to nine!
- Get your child their own alarm clock.
- Get everything ready the night before - uniform, packed lunch, PE kit ... Don't forget the breakfast things.
- Set that alarm clock five minutes fast.
- Don't allow TV or computer games before everyone is ready - if at all.
- If you are a working parent, your child can come to Breakfast Club from 8:00am for £2 a day.
Too Sick For School? 
- Children get colds and headaches often but don't always need to miss a full day of school. Try getting them to eat something, drink plenty of water or if necessary give a suitable medication according to packet or GP instructions.
- If they feel better later on, bring them to school, even if they have missed the morning - just give us a quick call to let us know when to expect you.
- Use us. It is better to send your child to school in all circumstances. If we feel they are too unwell to stay we will send them home. You cannot be referred for poor attendance if the school makes the decision for your child to remain at home.
- Remember, flu is a serious illness and very different to a cold, if your child has flu, you will be asked to provide medical evidence.
- You may be asked to provide medical evidence for other absences. We know that it is not easy to get a note from the GP. Evidence can be in the form of; an appointment card, attendance note, prescription or prescribed medication (Labelled and dated).
- If your child is likely to be absent due to a long term illness, please come and speak to us so that we can put a plan of support in place.
- If your child breaks a bone, they should be able to attend school very soon after a cast or splint is applied, if this is not the case, you should provide an explanation – and evidence, including how long they will likely be absent for. Remember, alternative arrangements can be made to ensure your child is safe in school while they are healing. If they can't write, they can still listen and learn in other ways.