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Advice and help with parenting your child

We know that Isolation, working at home, and homeschooling, are all additional pressures on parents at the moment and we know being a parent can have its own challenges, even when we aren’t in lockdown and socially isolating ourselves from family and friends. It is with this in mind that we are sharing with you the Sheffield’s Parenting team online materials and useful videos to support you during these times. These are all based on the evidence based parenting programmes that we use in Sheffield. 

A. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
You can follow their social media channels where they post regular tips, videos, information that you may find helpful.
Short clips with parenting tips and techniques are posted here every week, as well as Family Centre information and activities.  

Facebook – Sheffield Family Centre

Twitter – SheffFamilyCtrs

Instagram – SheffieldFamilyCentres

B. You Tube

Short videos of the parenting team discussing parenting topics are posted here. 

Sheffield Family Centres

Topics include:
Descriptive commenting to develop language in children
Praising your children and positive attention
Developing your new baby’s brain
Messy play activities and other early years topics.
They are regularly posting new videos here.

C. Triple P Short videos:

The parenting team deliver the Triple P Programme which is an internationally evaluated and coordinated programme. 

Quick Tips Video blogs by Dr Claire Halsey from triple P – now available on the Triple P You Tube. Follow this link: YouTube 

These cover topics such as, helping children feel safe, keeping busy, routines, tolerating uncertainty, taking care of yourself.  

D. Triple P Tips and Blogs

Parenting During COVID-19 - the Triple P Parenting Guide –Top 10 tips - read or download here

Blog post – How to manage when you’re all at home (including working from home) - Read the article here and share with parents via your own channels.

E. Online Groups and direct support

During COVID,they have moved all their group programmes online, and now deliver through Zoom. These include weekly programmes for parents of children of all ages and needs. They can offer parents in Sheffield a free Triple P On-Line programme. 

If you wish to access this, you can email them directly on

Short videos of the parenting team discussing parenting topics can be found on the Parenting Hub Youtube account. 
Sheffield Family Centres
