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Y1 Cherry


We are Cherry Class! 

Class Teacher - Miss McLoughlin

Class Teaching Assistant - Ms. Anderson 





Pine class will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Tuesday =  Indoor PE

Thursday = Outdoor PE


Please remember to send your child to school with PE kit. They need a pair of
trainers, a white/blue t-shirt and plain grey/black/blue shorts or a plain
grey/blue/black tracksuit.
No jewellery can be worn during PE lessons: earrings must be removed.

Please make sure all items are clearly labelled. 

Autumn 2 – What’s it made of?
Our new science topic is all about everyday materials and their properties. We will be sorting, classifying and performing our own simple tests. 
In D&T we will be starting a project designing and making moving mechanisms.  
In literacy we will look at the story ‘The Robot and the Bluebird’ by David Lucas as well and non-fiction instruction writing and acrostic poems about autumn. 
In maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction before moving onto shape in the last few weeks of term. 

This it also an exciting half term on the lead up to Christmas, we will be taking part in lots of celebrations and also practising ready to perform our Christmas Nativity.



Year 1 - Autumn 1 - Whats in my memory box?

1 - Memory Box 

In Y1 our topic will be a history based project called Memory Box. We aim to teach children about changes over time, family and community. This project develops children’s knowledge and appreciation of local history, special memories, customs and traditions, and growing up.


In science the children will be thinking about how they grow and change and will focus on the children understanding the similarities and differences between themselves and others. Children will name the main parts of the body and investigate the five senses. 


In literacy the children will reading the stories Grandads island and Chimpanzees of Happy town.

Useful Websites  

