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Y6 Maple

Welcome to Y6!


The Y6 team includes:


Y6 Maple:

Miss Clack

Mrs Robinson

Mrs Connolly (Y6 Lead)


Y6 Elm:

Miss Buck

Mrs Siddall

Mrs Connolly (Y6 Lead)


PE Information:


Please remember to send your child to school with PE kit. They need a pair of trainers, a white/blue t-shirt and plain grey/black/blue shorts or a plain grey/blue/black tracksuit. No jewellery can be worn during PE lessons:earrings must be removed.


Indoor PE – Wednesday

Outdoor PE – Friday

Spring 1 Curriculum Information



Literacy - We are currently reading the book 'The Last Bear' by the author Hannah Gold. This book takes the children on a magical journey to The Arctic where they will enjoy an animal adventure story whilst learning about the effects of climate change on endangered species.


Maths - In Maths we are practising ratio and algebra which involves the children looking at the relationships between numbers and how we can use these mathematical skills in every day life.


Science -  Our Science topic this half term is Inheritance and Evolution. In this we are looking at fossils and how we use them to give us information about living things from millions of years ago as well as how humans, animals and plants have adapted over time.


Geography - Our big enquiry question this half term is 'Are humans destroying our planet?'. We will be answering this question throughout the coming weeks by focusing on how climate varies and how we as humans are affecting it. This links with our big idea this half term which is sustainability and environment.


Art - Our focus skill in Art is painting. We will explore a variety of artists including Archibold Motley and Abigail McDougall whilst building on the work we did in the Autumn on perspective drawing. 


P.E - This half term we will be practising skills for Gymnastics and Hockey through a range of activities and games with Mr Marsh.


Citizenship - In Citizenship we will be researching and discussing how religions and beliefs respond to the importance of the environment which links to our big idea this half term of sustainability and environment.


Computing - We are building on our prior computing knowledge this half term by looking at programming and eventually designing our own computer game!

Knowledge Organiser

Knowledge Organiser

Here are some websites that will support with your learning at home. Please ask if you need any logins or have forgotten your passwords.

Class Dojo - please speak to your teacher if you need help to join your class page.


We will add important messages, information, spelling, reading, timestables and curriculum activities to the class dojo page weekly.

Books we love!
