Home Page

Y5 Willow

Welcome to the Y5 Willow Class Page!


The staff team includes:


Miss Lowe




Mrs Huskovic





Our PE days are Mondaysand Tuesdays. Please remember to send your child to school with PE kit. They need a pair of trainers, a white/blue t-shirt and plain grey /black/blue shorts or a plain grey/blue/black tracksuit. No jewellery can be worn during PE lessons: earrings must be removed and hair tied back.




Our learning journey so far....

Award Winners!

A big well done to our award winners this week! Keep up the great work!

Autumn 2

This half term the children have been learning all about the solar system and forces during our science focus topic.


The children have been studying fractions in maths in practical ways using a range of manipulatives such as cuisennaire, numicon and cubes.


In our reading lessons this half term the children have been studying the books Cosmic and Hidden figures. During our reading lessons the children infer, predict and improve their vocabulary.


Through practical experiments and investigatios the children have been exploring the solar system and learning about moon phases. 

Our Knowledge Organiser


Science- Solar System



Autumn 1

During our Autumn 1 term the children have been learning all about Anglo-Saxons. 

In their history lessons the children learnt who the Anglo-Saxons were, their lives and belief systems.


During our literacy lessons the children studied the book 'Sir Gawain and the green knight'. They created their own diary and later wrote some poetry based on the poem 'The lady of Shallot'.


In our maths this half term the children worked on their place value skills and started to improve their mulitplication and division skills.


Also in this term the year 5's began enjoying their forest school activities. The children built fires, objects such as bows and also improved their social skills with team games.

Our Knowledge Organiser


History- Anglo-Saxons




Additional Information


Here are some websites that will support you with your learning at home:


Please ask if you have forgotten any passwords!

Recommended Reads

Class Dojo


All pupils and parents should have a log in for Class Dojo. Weekly spellings and times table focus are posted on Class Dojo as well as celebration of learning photos. 


If you have forgotten your log in, please ask and we will resolve this.
